G-Dragon ACT III : M.O.T.T.E. - London Concert Review

Photo: LiveNation (Bora Kim)

Photo: LiveNation (Bora Kim)


Following the release of his latest solo album, “Kwon Ji Yong”, G-Dragon embarked on his second world tour titled ACT III: M.O.T.T.E (Moment of truth the end). This marked his first solo concert in London. Despite previously visiting London in 2012 with BigBang, the band has since skipped Europe in their world tours and it came as a surprise to fans all over the world when the Europe dates were announced.

“Ever since I debuted as part of BigBang until now I never thought I’ll make it here” G-Dragon confessed addressing the crowd.

But he and VIPs (BigBang’s fandom are named VIPs) made it together and he thanked them from the bottom of his heart for it.


ACT III : M.O.T.T.E. - Soundcheck 

“I am shy now” - Kwon Ji Yong

As a fan, if you need something to justify spending some serious money on a VIP Package, the soundcheck is it. It is not about getting an “extra show”, but more about getting a glimpse at Kwon Ji Yong, not G-Dragon. 

Stepping on stage in a pair of jeans, a red and white stripped T-shirt, a bomber jacket, sunglasses and his Seoul ’88 Olympics cap, Kwon Ji Yong looked as if he just came from a walk in Hyde Park with his friends. If his hair wasn’t bright red, G-Dragon fans would walk past him and maybe not even realise it was him.

" I am shy now" Kwon Ji Yong tells the VIPs between “Super Star” and “Divina Commedia”. And you can tell the person in front of you is not G-Dragon, the world k-pop super star, but the shy Kwon Ji Yong has his own charms. Kwon Ji Yong compared to G-Dragon seems more “human” to put it in Verbal’s (Young-Kee Yu) words. He is not dancing and singing at the top of his lungs in a flashy outfit, he is walking back and forth with his free hand in his pocket singing really soft and smiling nervously in front of a few hundred adoring fans.

The soundcheck ended with “Untitled, 2014” totalling the mini show to 3 songs. Which left the VIP VIPs (VVIPs?) with a lot of time to kill until the actual show.


ACT III : M.O.T.T.E. - The show

The show’s production is top marks. From the spectacular visuals of each short clip preceding each act, a giant ice looking throne chair that G-Dragon sits on and dancers suspended on strings to the more usual flame and confetti throwers and fireworks. 

It is also very emotionally charged as videos of friends and family talking about G-dragon vs. Kwon Ji Yong are played. It gets fans almost teary by the end when a video of the artist himself talking about ending his celebrity persona G-Dragon and being Kwon Ji Yong from now on is played. 

With little breaks between the songs, it all goes so fast that leaves you wanting more. It is definitely worth seeing more than once if you get the chance.


London Set List

  1. Heartbreaker

  2. Breathe

  3. A Boy

  4. But I Love U

  5. Obsession

  6. MichiGO


  8. R.O.D

  9. That XX

  10. Black

  11. Missing You

  12. You Do

  13. WHO YOU?

  14. I Love It

  15. Today

  16. CRAYON

  17. Super Star

  18. Middle Fingers-Up

  19. Bullshit

  20. Divina Commedia


  1. Crooked

  2. Untitled, 2014


London Concert Merchandise

Out of all the T-shirt designs made for G-dragon’s 2017 World Tour ACT III, M.O.T.T.E, Europe is getting only the plain ones. This was very disappointing after seeing the colourful prints designed for the tour and fans with seating tickets lining up hours before only to get a chance of buying their desired merchandise. Even though the merchandise shops sold out in both Birmingham and London, the fans deserved more.



Also another disappointment was the lack of a PEACEMINUSONE Pop-Up or even a restock at Dover Street Market. The reason is unknown, but after selling out within the first 24h on launch day it is puzzling why London fans will not get a new drop.


Special thank you to LiveNation.


How was your concert experience?